Submeters for your apartment

If you have not originally planned to turn your residence into an apartment – rental rooms, then you have not also designed your electrical connections to have a submeter to read the electrical consumption of each room/unit.

You will have to do some electrical modifications to your current circuit. To connect a sub meter, you will have to find the power junction source of each room which is usually in the lighting or power outlet junction. For this apartment in the picture, the power source is in the light junction, thus we needed to connect the submeter from the light junction and then the meter load terminal will have to go back in the same junction to connect to the power outlet connection to have it isolated into a separate metered unit, and your lights will also have to now get power from your submeter load terminal.

It is a bit difficult to do the re wirings if the source power is in the light junction, and is easier if it is in the power source junction since you don’t have to be working on a ladder.

Also, please note if the power company finds out – they will usually upgrade your electrical rates to the commercial rate which is a bit higher than the residential rate.

If you need to install submeters to your apartments, if you have not done so yet, the labor cost ranges from php2-3k each unit depending on the level of difficulty- and this labor cost excludes the cost of the materials – meter, breaker, wires, electrical tapes, moldings or PVC hose – which could also total up to php3k each set.

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