Most contractors nowadays leave the occupancy permit to the owner because of the hassle involved in the processing. The occupancy permit is almost like when you’re processing your building permit, but actually takes less time and is actually easier to process.
Because most contractors leave the occupancy permit processing to the project owner, more often than not, it is left unprocessed – especially when the owner learns that no one from the government really goes to your door to ask for it when you start to occupy your new house. However, if you’re building a commercial structure, your tenants will need this occupancy permit when they process their business permit. Thus it is mandatory if your project is a commercial building.
Here’s the usual items needed in the processing of the occupancy permit, but this is for Talisay City only. Other cities might have more steps especially the bigger cities, and rural areas might have less steps:
Legworks done: In a span of 2 weeks (Man hours and gas p10,500)
- Secure forms and instructions
- Secure seals and signatures of:
— Civil Engineer
— Master plumber
— Master Electrician - Notarize forms
- Process new tax dec
- Request for site inspection schedule
- Site inspection
— Zoning team, Fire team, Assessor team, OBO team - Claim zoning clearance
- Claim new tax dec
- OBO and Assessor fees computation
- Fire clearance fees computation
- Occupancy Seals and signatures for the civil, master plumber, and master electrician at p5k each – p15,000.00
- Leg works – man hours and gas – 10,500.00
- Taxi transport for the inspectors – 300.00
- new tax dec – 80.00
- zoning site inspection fee – 100.00
- Assessor site inspection fee – 100.00
- OBO fees – 3,600.00
- Fire fee – 1,598.00
- Tax assessor fee – 10,850.00
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How long does it take to secure an occupancy permit?
Local government offices are mandated to assist and/or grant occupancy permit applicants in 15 days, as long as the documents are in order.
Who is responsible for securing business permit occupancy permit for the office space
Usually the building owner.
Some builders offer it as an add on service.
Hi Admin,
I just want to ask how much is the estimated cost for processing of occupancy permit of less than 100sqm residential house? is 30k too much or is it okay na?
Thank you
Hi Shena,
For that kind of size, and since it is residential, the actual fee of city hall or municipality itself should not go beyond p15k, unless if you live in an expensive city such as Manila, Lapu-lapu, or Makati.
Hi Admin,
We lived in Tabunok Talisay City, Cebu & since our residential house is almost complete, one of the requirements for the final release of our loan thru PAG-IBIG is the occupancy permit. I just want to ask if you know someone who can help us process the permit for a less price.
Thank you
You can email us at topcebucontractors1@gmail.com
Hi Admin,
I just want to ask if you know someone who can help us process the Occupancy permit here in Talisay City.
Thank you
We’d be glad to assist you…
Please email us at topcebucontractors1@gmail.com
Hi we have a 2 storey residential apartment that was constructed 2019. To my knowledge, we have secured a building permit, but I don’t remember securing for an occupancy permit after construction. We only hired a foreman to construct the apartment and I’m not sure if there was a blue print for it. Now, we just learned that we need to secure an occupancy permit before we can have the apartment rented out. Can we still apply for occupancy permit? Thanks
Yes of course you can still get occupancy permit… It is your right to operate a business, thus it is your right to get that occupancy permit…
Please email us or send us a text if you need assistance…
Is building permit needed for a vacant lot to be used as parking to be rented out to residents in a village/subdivision?
Building permit is needed if you plan to build a structure, since you will not be issued a water and electrical connection without the permit.
But if you only plan to build a fence, then what you need is a fencing permit.
If you need assistance with affordable architectural drawings services for either your building or fence, email us at finefinishcebu@gmail.com
Hello Admin,
The construction of my one storey residential house with building permit was already completed. Then, I decided to rent ot out. As I apply for business permit, I was asked to secure occupancy permit. Will I be able to secure occupancy permit with the building permit as a residential house?
Hi Ramil,
The residential building permit is OK to be upgraded as commercial building permit during occupancy permit processing since you have not originally decided to build it for commercial purposes. Now that you’ve decided to use the structure for commercial purposes, the city hall or municipality will just adjust the rates to commercial rates.
Hi, I am a student, working on our business plan. We are planning to lease a 1,040 sqm. warehouse in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija for our business, do we still need to apply for certificate of occupancy and how much does it cost? Thank you
If the city or municipal government will require you a business permit for your operations, they will usually also require you an occupancy permit especially if there is an office within that warehouse, please do check with your local government. To know the cost of occupancy permit, simply submit to them your blueprints of the warehouse and they will compute for you…
Hi, I am a student, working on our business plan. We are planning to lease a warehouse for our business, do we still need to apply for certificate of occupancy and how much does it cost? Thank you
Need to know the amount of cost occupancy on three storey residential-commercial building?
If you still have your blueprints, you can have it checked at the City engineer’s or municipal engineer’s office to have it assessed for occupancy permit fees.
They will first of all require your blueprints together with your building permit certificate.
If you need affordable blueprinting services or drafting services, email us at finefinishcebu@gmail.com
Hello. I already have building permit with blueprint. I want to ask regarding the payment of occupancy permit. Does building permit and occupancy permit pays differently?
Yes the building permit and the occupancy permit are different and separate. They are paid separately.
Your building permit gives you permission to construct.
Your occupancy permit gives you permission to occupy.
Your occupancy permit will allow the government to check if you have followed the construction design as presented in your building permit.
Hi, I am a student and I am working out a Business Plan project which requires me to know how much is the Occupancy Permit of my desired location which is on the 7th floor roof deck of The Grid, Atria Park, Iloilo City, Iloilo. It has 227.1 sqm. Thank you so much for your help
Hi Danielle,
To know the occupancy permit, you need to have Architectural plans, electrical plans, plumbing plans submitted to City hall for building permit, then once you have the building permit – then you can process your occupancy permit.
How many house outlets are allowed inqq each room for 3 storey ho7se
standard 5 outlets
How can we get a occupancy permit as a mall tenants?
To get occupancy permit as tenant, you need to gather the blueprints and the documents submitted during the construction permits and building permits (if applicable). These documents include, but is not limited to; blueprints – Architectural, electrical, mechanical, structural (if applicable), plumbing… If you could no longer find some blueprints, you will need to get what’s called “as built” blueprints – these blueprints need to be re created using current plans and measurements of the area. If you need assistance, email us at finefinishcebu@gmail.com or text 09171689307…
Hi! Do you have any sample/filled up Certificate of Completion form for Occupancy Permit application? Thank you.
What do you need it for?
Email us at finefinishcebu@gmail.com
Hi! Do you have any sample/filled up Certificate of Completion form for Occupancy Permit application? Thank you.
Please advise the contractors tax rate for the release of occupancy permit of the building
newly finished
What is the size of your structure in square meter?
Where is it located?
The fee will depend on the size of your structure as they will compute it from their tariff based on that size.
Some places like cities or first class municipalities have higher rates, while low income municipalities have lower rates to entice investments in that area.
You will need to check your local government unit – city or municipality for their rates.
I just want to inform how much it cost for certificate of occupancy for commercial space 21sqm.
Should be around p10k all in…
what do you mean by “all in”? could you please include details of what is included in the computation of fees for the certificate of occupancy if all requirements and documents have been submitted? also, is there a penalty for late application of occupancy permit, and how is it computed?
Hi Chiane,
Kindly email us at topcebucontractors1@gmail.com if you need assistance on your occupancy permit.
Only the city or municipal cashier can compute for your fees once we process it for you if you need our assistance.
Yes there is a penalty for late application.
Hi! We are currently building a residential house, ~200 sq meters, in a rural town in Iloilo. Our contract says it will be done in 10 months but now it has been 14 months and still not 100% done. Our general contractor had a lot of mistakes during the construction, lacks materials/supplies for several days even weeks at a time, so slow with contacting the subcontractors, and even with securing the building permit. We had to step in as clients to secure the permit. They have caused us a lot of stress. Anyway, they are asking for Php100,000 for the certification of occupancy. I think that is too much!!! We would like to ask for your advice. Thank you.
Hi Z,
That amount seems too high…
For that size of project, occupancy permit should be around 25-32k granting the docs in the building permit are intact and not problematic.
I am looking for someone who can assist me in processing my Occupancy Permit.
If you can recommend legitimate person who can process OP for Talisay Cebu,please recommend. Thanks
Hi Treb,
We’re you able to file building permit prior to construction?
Do you still have the permit documents? Especially the approved blueprints?
Hi, if our plan is for a 2 storey house but we only want to construct the ground floor first, can we apply for certificate of occupancy even if we only have the ground floor fully constructed?
Hi Angel,
Yes you will need the occupancy permit to be able to occupy it.
You will be paying less fees due to the smaller size, than planned.
Dear Sir,
We are from an island municipality where all lands are classified as Timberland. There are already concrete structures built including the houses municipal building, school in the town and in barangay are all timberland. The municipal engineer started to require building permit in order to have electrical connection. I came to know that building a concrete structure on a timberland is not allowed not unless SLUP is issued by DENR. Since we are not aware of the law, we applied for a building permit. Is it legal for the municipal engineer to issue a building permit and for us to build a concrete structure after a building permit is issued even without SLUP or proper permission from DENR?
DENR had already cited even mayors and governors for environmental violations.
DENR can cite any government employee or official.
Let’s hope your municipal engineer will not be cited by DENR.
good day, we would like to clarify that the contractor is really require pay CTO from Cebu City?
Yes, I believe so… Lapu-lapu City also has that and they issue an official receipt from the City Treasurer’s office also…
That kind of charge can be included in the cost of the permits, and not all city or municipality charges that.