CCTV monitoring on work site

A few months back we were planning to install CCTV to monitor the work site specifically to check on the workers to see who should be retained and who to let go. Now that we have the equipment and the system to install the CCTV we are now a little hesitant to pursue the installation as we don’t want to put unnecessary pressure on the workers’ trust since people who are being watched do not act their true selves. We were afraid the CCTV runs opposite the concept of workers empowerment. An empowered worker don’t need to be watched. The CCTV is the symbol of the employers’ lack of trust on the workers.

It was a little difficult how to explain the presence of the CCTV to the workers. After a few days of thinking through, a good explanation has come to light. Since the CCTV is directly linked to the internet, we can allow the workers to use this same connection after work hours so they can enjoy the internet at which point the CCTV will lag but nevertheless will come back to life again when they’re all asleep and nobody’s using the connection. While they are asleep the CCTV will watch the site and the materials storage for them.

Now that we have a good segway to introduce the CCTV installation, now we can watch the workers all day without fear of losing their trust. To them, the CCTV came with benefits.

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