Alipin Project Site Blessing of Foundations

While I was visiting my mother’s barrio in Lanao, Pilar, Camotes Cebu, I overheard the conversation between the parish priest and his friend talking about the proper way to bless a house as they’re waiting for the people in the church to settle down from the afternoon procession a day before the barrio fiesta.

The parish priest clearly advised his friend who happens to be building a house that time, that we Catholics should ask a priest to bless our new house three times as we are Trinitarians or believers of the Holy Trinity.

The first blessing should be done during the laying down of the foundations, the second blessing in the middle of the construction, and the final blessing during the turn over of the project when it is fully finished.

It so happens that we are currently doing preparation works for the laying of foundations for the Alipin residential project in Ibabao Mandaue City. so I asked the priest why it is necessary to bless the construction three times. He explained the evil spirits should be ward off three times in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit to invoke the Holy Trinity to protect the construction and the house. 

The construction blessing will also protect the workers and keep them safe as they work. And the final blessing is meant to protect the occupants of the house.

Blessing the foundations of Alipin-Boc Residence is Franciscan Friar Fr Bonfilius of the Franciscan Church in Talamban.